If someone asks “What is meditation?”Then many of us would say that-it’s a act of thinking or contemplating….or in precisely You may say that the act of giving attention to only one thing ,either religiously or for relaxation of our mind..

According to a study in the journal Neuroscience,for 20 min daily sessions of”mindfulness meditation”can help people suffering with chronic pain deal with it effectively.The high point-those who used relaxation & breathing techniques to cope with pain showed 27 percent reduction in the intensity of pain & 44 percent lesser emotional pain.

It’s just a method for acquainting our mind with virtue.The more familiar our mind is with virtue,the calmer & more peaceful it becomes.When our mind is peaceful we are free from worries & mental discomfort,& finally we experience true happiness.

If we train our mind to become peaceful we will be happy all the time,even in the most adverse conditions otherwise we will remain unhappy even in the most pleasant atmosphere.


  1. Set aside a time of your day for  meditation.If done daily with discipline,it can lead to clarity of thought & peace of mind.
  2. Select a peaceful corner of your house where you can sit,uninterrupted.Light aroma candles to create a nice ambience.
  3. Practice meditation daily,for at least 5 to 10 mins in the morning & repeat same  at night .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Research has found evidence of meditation’s direct health benefits,from  reducing both physical & emotional stress, lowering high blood pressure & risk of arthritis & infertility to boosting immunity levels.                                                                                                                                                                             So, try to include it, in your daily routine…. & stay fit throughout your life..           

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