Good morning!!! Can I have a cup of tea?



On our planet,tea has been considered as the most popular drink ,after plain water.Every human being loves to have tea mostly in early morning….I have seen many people ,who straight away goes to the kitchen ,when they wake up to prepare tea .

Frankly speaking I drink tea very often, but I love green tea the most as compare to regular tea i.e, mixed with milk & sugar….But most of my friends & family members have it as a daily routine. Some of them are so much addicted that if they didn’t have a cup of tea in the early morning ,they feel restless & won’t be able to do any work.


Tea packs more of a punch than water”,says Carrie Ruxton, a dietitian & tea expert in UK.

Studies suggest that one cup of tea may contain up to five times more antioxidants than any fruit & vegetable.Basically,green tea is treated as healthiest among all the beverages.

It is loaded with antioxidants & nutrients that have powerful effects on the body.It acts as a immunity booster.

Besides this it also has some other health benefits:

  • It improves our memory: Studies have shown that a drink with 250 mg of green tea extract increases brain’s connections that process & store information.
  •  It reduces cancer risk: According to new research,digestive cancer risk is 17 per cent lower in women who drink at least 3 cups of green tea per week.
  • It helps in weight loss: Research conducted on mice shown that green tea + exercise = 36% less belly fat.
  • It saves our brain: EGCG-a polyphenol in green tea may guard against neurological diseases, reveal studies.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             In order to feel better,lose weight & lower your risk of chronic diseases,then you might consider green tea  as a regular part of your life.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Heyyy remember one thing try to avoid sugar whenever you have green tea…..if you have a sweet tooth then add little bit of honey .To make it more  flavourable, I add  fresh lemon juice.                                                                                                                        Excuse me!! Can I have my tea now?? 

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