It is quite obvious that when monsoon arrives, we feel relieved & joyous. But beside happiness it also brings along some health irritants such as allergies, infections & indigestion.  Relax guys, no need to panic..!! Just make some dietary changes that will help you brace yourself for the season.



-Excess humidity in the air results in the conversion of ingested food into sour components,& increases acidity.So avoid fermented foods.If we still like having curd,which is also one of my favorite, do consume it with sugar or salt.The reason behind is it helps breaking down the curd into an easily digestible form.

-Buttermilk should be preferred over curd,as it does not cause acidity.

-Avoid street ,heavy,oily & frozen foods.

-Stay away from green leafy vegetables during the rains since they are likely to get contaminated.Instead go for yam,sweet potato,brinjal & pumpkin;they are safer.

-Consume light fresh foods prepared from grains,rice,wheat,barley,etc..

-Including soups,lean meat,green gram & ginger in our diet,keeps our body warm & strengthen immunity.

-Have small amounts of dry fruits like almonds,pistachios & walnuts as snack items.Ensure we don’t consume the fried ones.

-Consuming ghee made from cow’s milk helps maintain cholesterol,improves digestion,boosts immunity,increases our stress fighting capacity & even enhances our memory.

-Somehow always drinking boiled water,mix it with a little honey keeps our body fit & fine.

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